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So Many e-Books So Little e-Time

As a student or faculty member of BYU you have access to the library’s collection of e-books. We have over 200,000 titles available that you can read on your devices. Unfortunately many smart phone plans are eliminating unlimited data use. That means you may have to make some tough choices about which books you will access when you want to read in remote locations. Happily, if you have a laptop and you are on campus, the WiFi system can get you a lifetime of reading material with just a few clicks.

To find e-books that interest you we suggest you visit our e-book page at http://guides.lib.byu.edu/content.php?pid=47954&sid=392556

Right now there are a lot of different vendors and a variety of e-book formats. We hope we have just the right system to get you the information you are looking for.