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Music in the Library: Visit the Music Zone at the South End of Level 2

In response to student requests the library installed a public music system at the south end of level 2. Over a year has passed and the Music Zone has proven to be a popular addition to the library. A quick study, counting the number of patrons using the area before and after the music was installed, showed us that the area was going to be popular. Today we find that on the rare occasions when the music system goes down because of power outages or renovation work, patrons quickly let us know that it needs attention. Thanks to everyone for their support, and thank you to the students who did their homework and presented a great plan to set up the service.

If you have a good idea for the library we’d like to hear it (librarymusiczone@byu.edu). We can’t implement all the good ideas but we do our best to keep our library ready to support students and faculty.