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Ongoing Construction

It turns out that Cosmo isn’t the only big cat on campus.

We know that from certain angles it looks like you can’t get to the library, but the good news is that we are open.

The library is fully staffed and we are happy to help with your research needs.

All of our exhibit spaces are open and the public is welcome.

Currently you can enter the building from both the west side and from the south.

The west side has open areas you can pass through between the project areas.

The library may be noisier than usual, but it gets quiet after 5:00 pm.


Here is a partial list of projects than are underway or about to start.

(Note that the central section of the library dates to the 1960s and requires updating.)

  • Roof replacement for the underground portions of the library.
  • Roof replacement for the older above-ground portions of the library.
  • Elevator replacement in the central section of the library.
  • Elevator repair in the south section of the library.
  • Pipe and restroom replacement in the central section of the library.
  • Café installation on the main floor of the library.
  • Ongoing renovation on level 4 of the library.
  • Carpet replacement.


The underground portion of the library has a multi-layered roof system.


Crews have removed various layers, cleaned the concrete roof, and then sealed it (the green in the picture below).

We’re happy to report that nearly all of the insulation for the roof will be re-used.

That is great for the environment and it saves money.