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Mike Caulfield, Research Scientist at the University of Washington, September 21

Join us on Thursday Sep 21st 11 a.m. Wilkinson Center Varsity Theater where Mike Caulfield, Research Scientist at the University of Washington will present, “It’s not misleading content, it’s misrepresented evidence.”

When it comes to misinformation, there are a slew of related terms — is something deceptive? Misleading? Superficially true? And what does it mean, exactly, to be misleading in the first place? Using a variety of examples, misinformation expert Mike Caulfield will show how the core of deception is not in the fact itself, but how it is used to advance an often unstated argument. By understanding the assertions made online and elsewhere not simply as facts, but as evidence in a larger argument, we can better understand the ways in which propagandists, conspiracy theorists, and others violate norms of evidence to support positions in ways that deceive the public.